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Posted by on 2015/06/05 under Uncategorized

All my life I’ve been lead to believe that you finish your education and you get a job. You then get relationship, and a car and a house, and then kids, and so on and so on. I have a job, a house and a car. But I hate my boss, and I mean justifiable hate. He is egotistical, chauvinistic, homophobic, and just plain discriminatory. But, at least after working for him has made me discover what I really want to do. About two months ago, I walked into my travel agent wanting to go on a Contiki to South Korea. I left with two contiki’s booked for South Korean & Japan. The contiki’s will take a month in total, and to attend them I’ll have to quit my job. I was instantly happy. No more “him” forever. Then I got thinking, “Do I like my life here” – It’s okay. I grew up here, and I share a house with my high school friend. I have a car, and on-again-off-again relationship. My parents are here, and I’ve never been away from them for more then 2 weeks at a time. I’ve never flown internationally, hell only last month was my first time on a plane. Then I saw an ad on youtube. Teaching English in China. I though about it for a three weeks. I actually believe myself to be a “stagnantly impulsive”. I understand that those two words contradict each other but what I mean is, I’ll think about something in the back of my head for a long time, and then one day (BOOM) I’ll just do it.
So, I did it, I registered and paid for the course that will gain my certificate to teach English over-seas. I’m not an English teacher, I have zero teaching experience, but I want to travel. I want to live over-seas, I want to look back on my life and say things like “I did that”, “I was there” and “I love’d every minute”.
My point of all this is; Meeting the wrong person, can put you on the right path, or at least get you to consider a path you might never have considered before. I might come back from my contiki and continue to live in my home town for another 10 years, or I might go teach in China, or Vietnam, or Switzerland, or Italy.
But, I can – and that’s the point.

5 thoughts on “I just want someone to read this. Please.

  1. Abrielle says:

    its kidda hard for me to understand what your thinking..i read ur thoughts like about 3 times and im still trying to figure out… but from what ive understood..i think u should go out and explore places..and u dont have to think much on what u love the most..and travelling might help u clear few things in ur head..
    i hope whatever i said makes sense n helped u 🙂

  2. Allison says:

    Seriously i cant make anything you said out.. i’m sorry maybe i took it way too complicated?

  3. I just want someone to read this. Please. says:

    Hi, I wrote the original thought.
    What do you mean you can’t understand it? Is it the words? Or the meaning? Please, I want to know.

  4. Scottie Lee says:


    Can you
    Can you hear meeee
    Is there anyone out there….

    It’s me -Hammer…. Mike Hammer
    The year is 2038.2 The Russians have taken over and turned the world into North Germany Kindof S***!!!

    Listen… If your reading this and its 2015, then s*** man…. It worked… TELL THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT TO CRUSH MOTHER RUSSIA NOW OR PAY THE PRICE…………..

    Option Go
    I repeat option go!

    1. Anonymous says:

      If it’s Mike Hammer then why does your profile name say Scottie Lee?

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